This week Mike, Albert, and Jonesy give their take on some of the highlights in the Last Jedi novelization.

Quick Episode Summary:

  • Star Wars in Ready Player One
  • Excerpt from Thrawn: Alliances
  • Blaster removed from the Solo posters
  • Luke’s dream
  • Luke in the cosmic force
  • Kylo Ren V Luke Skywalker
  • Let go
  • Han’s funeral
  • Leia Poppins
  •  Leai and Kylo
  • Chewie and Leia
  • Rey’s force abilities explained
  •  The Cave
  • Reylo….yes we talk about it. sort of
  • Rey’s mercy and hope
  • Rey shuts the door on Kylo
  • Snoke’s inner thought’s
  • Empire building
  • Marc Thompson’s performance in the audiobook

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