It’s now time for Mike and Joao to do what they do best, character dissections. First up on The Last Jedi dissection table is the legendary Luke Skywalker.

Quick Episode Summary:

  • Joao wants to see one more epic moment with R2-D2
  • Is Luke Skywalker dying or having the thought of killing Ben Solo what’s causing people to be upset?
  • Is he right in blaming himself?
  • Wanting to Die?
  • Reluctant to teach Rey
  • The lessons
  • The Hubris of the Jedi
  • Luke and Rey’s relationship
  • Joseph Campbell’s connection to Luke being a hermit
  • Yoda teaches Luke one last lesson
  • The twins reunited
  • Luke’s confrontation with Ben Solo
  • Transcending in the force
  • Will Luke haunt Ben?

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