Mike and Joao continue to analyze Rogue One and it’s characters.
in this episode:
  • Rebels mid season trailer
  • K-2SO mini dissection
  • Mike and Joao’s top 5 droids of Star Wars
  • Main Topic: Captain Cassian Andor mini dissection
  • Background information
  • Fulcrum recruitment
  • Did he kill Tivik in cold blood or did he do it to save the rebellion?
  • Taking a chance of saving Jyn and losing an audience with Saw Gerrera
  • Looking for Jyn when he no longer needs her for his mission
  • The conflict within of killing Galen Erso
  • The argument with Jyn after Galen’sdeath
  • His belief in Jyn
  • K-2SO death
  • Convincing Jyn not to kill Krennic
  • Becoming one with the force

If you have any questions or comments for the podcast, send them to feedback@thecantinacast.com Please rate, review and subscribe on iTunes. Thank you for listening


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